

Guest Book
Picnic 2001
Picnic 2001


Cousin Johnny started this whole picnic thing,

Ok, let's get started here.  Doing this page really tested my memory, I'm sorry to say I failed.  So, I want to say thanks to every one who helped me fill in the blanks.  If there are any other cousins whose email addresses  I don't have listed,  someone email them to me and I will update the page.   

Here we go!


The Aunts & Uncles

Moresta & Sam's Children!


Moresta & Sam Ditusa had 1 daughter and 5 sons.

bullet Their daughter: Tessie (my mom)  married Carl Loiacano

Their 5 sons are:

bullet Larry, who married Ray
bullet John, who married Agnes
bullet Joe, who married Madeline
bullet The twins:  Pat who married Anne
bullet Jim who married Rita

The family keeps growing and I have tried to list everyone.  Please accept my apologies if I missed anyone. Please feel free to yell at me (not too loud please) if  I have.  Just click on the scroll below, and yell away........


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